iRT introduce the Integral Quality Monitor (IQM) System for the Radiation Therapy.
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Integral Quality Monitor - make radiotherapy more accurate and safer
iRT was founded to introduce the Integral Quality Monitor (IQM) System to the Radiation Therapy community. IQM represents a paradigm shift in Radiation Therapy verification: fully automated, real-time verification of all complex treatment techniques.
Unrivaled accuracy
Real-time results
Without any user interaction
IQM is clinically proven to be effective
Publications Accuracy that you can rely on. Verification that you can trust
Reference Sites
IQM has been thoroughly evaluated by some the world’s leading radiation therapy centers
IQM Systems in clinical use all over the world.
One device for all of your QA tasks. Fully automatically. Without any user interaction
- Real-time verificationDuring the patient treatment. When it really matters
- Unrivaled accuracyFor even the most complex treatment techniques.
- Completely integratedAutomated background monitoring. Without any user interaction.
- 2 minutesAutomated reference calculation with independent algorithm
- Every 200msHigh resolution data acquisition. Air-Kerma corrected

Fraction QA with IQM
The world's first intra-fractional verification system.
Conventional verification always means verifying results. The result of the treatment plan calculation is compared with the result of the verification measurement, after the fact. IQM is the first verification system that verifies your treatment delivery as a process, as it unfolds. Every stage of the delivery process is verified in real-time.
Total quality control. With unrivaled accuracy. When it matters most.

Plan QA with IQM
Reduce your treatment planning time with IQM
IQM uses the actual patient plan for plan QA. Simply export the DicomRT plan data to IQM. One click. Done. No need to create a verification plan. No need to copy and paste the treatment beams from the patient plan to the verification plan. No need to calculate the dose distribution for the verification plan. Focus your valuable time on developing the best possible treatment plan for the next patient.
20 min
Time saving per plan
VMAT plans per year
TPS time saving per year

Machine QA with IQM
Machine QA with IQM
Verify the accuracy of your treatment delivery like never before. Plan-based. With highest accuracy. Fully automatically in real-time.
Load. Deliver. Done.
Plan your Machine QA.
IQM replaces device-oriented machine QA with plan-based machine QA.
Create and store any QA protocol as a treatment plan.
Machine QA based on user definable plans. Fast. Efficient. Limitless.
Quick consultation with a specialist
For consultation or a complete catalog, leave your phone number and our manager will contact you shortly.
ConsultationMaximum possibilities with IQM
400 hours TPS time
IQM uses the actual patient plan. No verification plan needed.
200 hours Linac time
No setup time. No calibration. No time for alignment. No system preparation.
600 hours staff time
Treatment verification in real-time. No post processing or analysis.
IQM Technology Specifications
Ion chamber volume
Air Kerma correction
Built-in Thermometer and Barometer
Active Size
26.5cm x 26.5cm
Inclinometer (built-in)
Inclinometer resolution: 0.1°
Gantry / collimator angle resolution: 1°
Minimal / Maximum Field
Size: Unlimited to 40cm x 40cm
4 Lithium-Ion batteries (medical device certified)
Battery life: >24 hours
Detector Resolution
Continuous spatial resolution
45cm x 35cm x 3.5cm
(17.7” x 13.8” x 1.37”)
Energy range
Photon energies from 1MV to unlimited (including FFF)
Weight (incl. battery)
4.3kg (9.48lb)
Dynamic range
Between 50 counts / minute and 5.000.000 counts / minute
Quick consultation with a specialist
For consultation or a complete catalog, leave your phone number and our manager will contact you shortly.
ConsultationNEW MEDICAL
State Number: 01-09-325412
Tax number: 26347578243
DUNS Number: 401246599
Address: 1133 Budapest Váci út 76, T2 földszint
Telephone: +36 70 355 99 85
Mobile: +36 70 433 92 91
Email: promo@nmtg.eu
Contact Person: Ádám Pap